Monday, March 29, 2010
march 28
palm sunday! went to the journey and where they had an amazing service and worship and communion. after that went to panera with kelly for lunch. mmm. :) then a bunch of us went to bruce and becky's to craft. i wasn't really in a crafty mood so i painted a canvas, but only half finished it, i'll pick it back up when i get some inspiration. i just wanted to go and hang out. came back to campus to help with the phi mu dinner for the kappa sigma's. they won our philanthropy event contest, hoopapaluza, so we made them dinner. hung out there for awhile then came back to my apartment. balls and i were just hanging out watching tv when we started getting all of these crazy tornado warnings and advisory's. then the school's alarm thing went off (which it's good to know that it actually works because i had never heard it before). apparently all of the other residence halls were made to sit in the hall, but no one cares about 6th street so balls and i just sat in the living room with the blinds up watching the storm. we were tracking it on her computer and felt as if we weren't in any real danger. five tornadoes touched down in high point though! we're so lucky that nothing hit campus because a lot of the surrounding streets were hit. now we're just in a flood and severe thunderstorm watch.
march 27
saturday was absoutley crazy, but good all at once. i had to work early registration so i was up at 5:30 and at work by 6:30. worked until 1 and then dashed to get changed and meet up with jen and her mom to go apartment hunting. went apartment hunting with them which ended up being very successful! jen and i are going to be living in the laurel bluff townhomes! we got an amazing deal and a free washer and dryer! i'm soooo excited!!! it was the most adult thing that i've done in my life so far. after that was taken care of i had to rush and change and go to initiation. yay new sisters! after initiation my fam and i went to sheetz then came back to my apartment to harass sarah ball. amy stayed and we watched planet earth. by the end i was exhausted, but it was such a good day!
march 26
fridayyy! i was so ready for the weekend! friday night we had candle light which is one of phi mu's traditions. basically we all stand in a circle and as we light our candle we talk about our favorite memory, what phi mu means to us, and seniors leave a wish for the chapter. drum roll please.......
i cried. leah stinkin wilson made me cry. i honestly didn't think i was going to cry, but leah just has that effect on people, even me. so yes, i do have tear ducts, shocker, i know. afterwards we all went to carolina diner because it's another tradition. this is my family minus amelia because she was on a college life retreat. i <3 them!
i cried. leah stinkin wilson made me cry. i honestly didn't think i was going to cry, but leah just has that effect on people, even me. so yes, i do have tear ducts, shocker, i know. afterwards we all went to carolina diner because it's another tradition. this is my family minus amelia because she was on a college life retreat. i <3 them!
march 25
thursday not many exciting things happened. i had to work on my rough draft for senior sem most of the night and took a break for a carnation committee meeting. i did get becca and will's wedding invitation in the mail which was extremely exciting! i can't wait for them to be married! i just need to figure out how i'm getting to indiana.
march 24
oooh wednesday. first off it was a beautiful day! the weather was amazing! after classes i laid outside for a little with a few of my sisters, then i had to go to the chapel music festival. the music was really good and i was extremely impressed with the groups that sang. after chapel i spent the night in the uc learning commons working on my senior sem rough draft that was due friday. however, i quickly lost motivation and spent about 20 minutes making a playlist titled "senior sem blues." i get a.d.d. pretty quickly when it comes to homework...
march 23
so i failed at going to zumba in the morning because i had turned my alarm off in my sleep, but i managed to make it to yoga. i worked phonathon again because wednesday i had to go to the chapel music festival for ids. after work i was up until about 1:30 am working on a power point presentation for digital photography. my digital artist was mariko mori. some of her stuff is pretty cool and she's one of the most popular artists right now. she reminds me of a mix of andy warhol and salvador dali, which i think is why cherl assigned me to do research on her.
march 22
okay so i failed at posting last week, but i did take a picture each day. things were just a little hectic so i fell kinda behind. sorry.
anyways, so monday had class and everything. then i crafted for my grandlittle cat because i was her inspiration sister, which is something special that we do in my sorority the week before initiation. i worked phonathon until 9. that's it i think...
anyways, so monday had class and everything. then i crafted for my grandlittle cat because i was her inspiration sister, which is something special that we do in my sorority the week before initiation. i worked phonathon until 9. that's it i think...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
march 21
the 'come and see' service was at the journey this morning, and it was so good. there were so many people there and the worship was amazing. during pastor alan's message people came out and did cardboard testimonies. i almost cried. the fact that those people were so willing to expose themselves like that was unbelievable. it reminded me of project when we stood on the street with our cardboard signs. after church we went out to lunch for bruce's birthday. then later liz let me take pictures of her and her mini cooper for my photography class. i had to do a study of a person. tonight i have so much homework to do. this week's going to be intense.
march 20
saturday was state day and we hosted here at high point. state day is where all the phi mu chapters in north carolina get together and attend workshops on things like healthy living, career development, and recruitment, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah... i helped out in the morning then went to the scrap exchange in durham with kelly and becky. it was so cool! there were all these blue barrels full of random things like cds, blue bottles, bottle caps, just random crafty junk. i loved it. i found some old tile pieces that i'm going to break up and put on a frame and old records that i'm going to make bowls out of. i'm excited to craft!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
march 19
revelation!!! so friday was a little crazy. i woke up to go see the sunrise with ashely so we could take pictures for photography. i came back and slept some more and then went to senior sem. then spent the rest of the day getting things ready for revelation. kelly got her little, amelia and i got a great grand little! i'm so old! after revelation we went to amy's so amelia could get her basket of gifts. then amy, kelly, amelia, cat, and i all went to qudoba in winston salem. it was so much fun to hang out with all of them. i'm so proud of my family!
march 18
yay family! thursday night alyssa had to do her revelation for her little cat because she left for charleston for an interior design trip on friday. cat is my new grandlittle! she's amazing and fits right into the family. it's exciting to see the family grow with such good people.
march 17
st. patrick's day!!! it was such a beautiful day too! the weather was amazing. after classes i went to mellow mushroom with balls, tim, and sarah mcgee. we stayed in greensboro for a little then came back to high point. tim went all out. he even cut the leprechaun from the lucky charms box out and taped it to his shirt.
march 16
went to zumba in the morning and learned two new songs!!! went to the steakhouse for dinner with alyssa, kelly, amy, cat, and ashley. the steakhouse is always so good! after that i went over to bruce and becky's to watch lost and just hang out. i love going over there and spending time with them. they're wonderful and just what i needed. got back to the room and tim, balls friend, had cooked pasta and garlic bread! it was a good day!
Monday, March 15, 2010
march 15
my new shoes came in the mail today! classes started today. it was difficult getting back into the swing of things, and i think i was still lacking sleep from the time change and the weekend, so i'm sure that didn't help at all. i couldn't go to small group tonight because we had our sister's meeting which i was upset about because i really miss becky! but hopefully i'll be able to make it over there tomorrow for lost.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
march 14
alicia and patrick left today. :( we went to the journey in the morning and then to lunch at mcallister's. then i gave them a tour of campus, which kind of stank because everything wasn't open since spring break just got over today. i was so, so, SO happy that they came to visit! i've missed them and seeing them just made me realize how much i miss project and the people all together. i hate that we all live so far away from each other. well maybe not all of us, i hate that i live so far away. classes start tomorrow. bleh. i'm not ready...
march 13
ALICIA AND PATRICK CAME TO VISIT!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) they got here around 6:30ish and we had dinner. then we walked around campus. this picture is for david beacuse:
a.) they're at the ice cream truck
b.) they're throwing the peace sign because he's asian.
march 12
left at 1:30 am to drive back to school, so i just stayed up and didn't go to sleep. i drove the first 3 1/2 hours, which was horrible. it was raining so hard and there was so much construction on 81. my dad's car kept hydroplaning and there were huge mac trucks on both sides. it was awful. but thankfully we made it safely and went out to the diner for breakfast. my dad can never come down and not go to the diner. spent the day unpacking and napping because i was exhausted from the drive. went out to natty green's later that night with ashley and ben. it was pouring rain when we left and the police were outside and there was commotion, i tried to get a picture, but ashley was driving too fast.
march 11
spent the day running around doing errands for my mom. dropped my brother off at the barber to get his haircut and then went to pick up my dad's birthday cake. spent the rest of the day cleaning out my room, which i stupidly waited to do till the day before i left. it was weird packing up the last eight years of my life and figuring out what i want to bring down to nc in my apartment and what needs to stay at home. growing up stinks big time. we celebrated my dad's birthday on thursday because he had to drive me back on friday. he turned 57 (my mom forgot a candle). the big cake candle was supposed to represent 50 because the cake was an ice cream cake and would have melted if we put all 57 candles on. :)
march 10
did more shooting for photography. my professor gave us a lot of things to shoot over break, and one of them was of a "wicked tree" or a cool sky. this was in my back yard. the sky isn't all that amazing, but i really liked the contrast of the trees with the blueness of the sky and the sun peeking out between the trees. we'll see if cherl (my professor) likes it...
march 9
yay new hair! i was tired of dealing with my long straight hair, but i didn't want to get a haircut, so i got a body wave! it's so much easier to deal with and take care of, even though the chemicals smelled really really bad and made my scalp burn a little bit.
march 8
had to go to the dentist and had one of the most bitter and cynical dental hygienists on the face of the planet who took her frustration out on my mouth. my gums suffered quite a bit, but her anger made me feel sorry for her, especially since it was a 9:30 am appointment and she was already in such a bad mood. went back out to the animals with my dad to try to get some shots for my photography class. i thought this one was cute.
Monday, March 8, 2010
march 7
march 6
march 5
march 4
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
march 3
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
march 2
march 1
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